Dr. Larry J. Hutton
In 1981, Larry and Liz moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma to follow the call to ministry God had placed on their lives. After attending and graduating from Rhema Bible College, they launched their own ministry in 1984. From 1982 until He went to heaven in 2003, they traveled with and preached for the late Kenneth E. Hagin in many of his meetings.
Before Dr Hutton preached his very first message in 1980, he heard the Lord say, “Keep it simple. My Word is simple.” Ever since then, Brother Larry has become widely known for his clear and simple instruction of the Word of God, whether through live teaching, or his many books and teaching series.
Their passion is to help Christians understand the simple truths of the Bible, so that they may experience the goodness and victory of God in their own lives.
Larry and Liz are currently based out of Tulsa, Oklahoma and have one married daughter, Rachel Boice, in Atlanta, GA.