James & Melissa Farmer

God’s blessing is clearly evident on this dynamic and enthusiastic pastor and this husband and wife ministry team. Both Tennessee natives with a burning vision to challenge and inspire believers to live their lives with a sense of mission and purpose, Pastor James & Melissa believe that it is time to be sold out to…

Matthew & Donna Farmer

Matthew & Donna Farmer are the Associate Pastors and Christian Education Directors here at The Lord’s Church.  They both have a burning desire to serve and bless those to whom they minister.  Matthew & Donna are both graduates of Rhema Bible Training College in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  They are also both graduates of Lee University in…

Kris Clinton

So much could be said about this great lady. While she serves as the Director of our vibrant Sunday School Ministry, she is also a highly successful business woman whose reach is not just national, but international.  Her business serves many major companies and corporations.  Kris was also a former local law enforcement officer.  But…